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Dhuntaaraa - stream

film, Laufzeit: 89 Min, Genre: Action
Four children from city move to a village close by, for a fun filled vacation and end up finding answers to many of their hitherto unanswered questions that they had always harboured in their anxious young minds. They learn moral values and what life is all about, outside of their regimented school environment and how to handle it like young adults. The story revolves around how they meet an exceptionally talented but poor village boy Deepu and his mentor, an old gentleman fondly referred to by everyone as Bauji . Their friendship with Deepu turns out to be a learning experience for the city kids and they all also end up solving a dangerous puzzle in the village.
Original Titel Dhuntaaraa
Genre Action
Altersfreigabe Keine Angabe
Veröffentlicht 2015
Hauptdarsteller Nand Lal Pathak
Regisseur Amit Ojha
Drehbuch Keine Angabe
Produziert von Eros International
Sprache Deutsch
Stichworte Keine Angabe
Angelegt 2016-05-06