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Episode 1
Porn and Ice Cream – Season 1
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Porn and Ice Cream - Porn and Ice Cream – Season 1 - Inhaltsangabe:

Just like every Friday, Pablo and Ramón plan to watch porn and eat ice cream. But this Friday, a power cut forces them to go out for the first time in years. The first place they find is a bar full of taxi drivers. They sit at a table, and a stranger, Ceci, soon joins them. She wants to escape from a drunkard, so she pretends to be their friend. Pablo bumps into Nacho, a former schoolmate who used to be a nerd and is now a successful rock musician. Not wanting to feel outperformed, Pablo pretends to be in a band with Ramón, and Ceci joins in the farce, saying she is their manager. Nacho invites them to his upcoming gig at the “Incestuous” bar. When Nacho leaves, Ceci says she is an investor and persuades Ramón to join in an obvious pyramid scam. At work, Ramón tells Horacio, his boss, about Ceci's investment proposal. Horacio warns him about the scam, but Ramón does not seem to understand. Pablo starts prancing about with an empty guitar case, pretending to be a musician to get girls. At the bar, he meets Melanie and asks for her Instagram. Pablo and Ramón are about to watch porn when Pablo gets a message from Melanie and decides to dump Ramón. The two friends argue, and Pablo is off, carrying his guitar case, to see Melanie. She lives with her bedridden grandma, who suffers from dementia. Ceci goes to Ramón's place to collect the dollars for the “investment”. Sad after his fight with Pablo, Ramón invites her in to eat ice cream. The date with Melanie goes well until her grandma mistakes Pablo for her dead husband and begs him to serenade her with his guitar. When Pablo confesses he can't play, Grandma has a cardiac arrest. Pablo goes back to Ramón's and finds him with Ceci. They decide to go to see Nacho at Incestuous. After the show, Ceci catches a glimpse of the gig earnings and has a sudden idea. While Pablo and Ramón drink beer with the musicians, Ceci talks to Sandro, the bar owner, and arranges a gig for them. They have one week to learn how to play.
Episode 2
The Gig
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Porn and Ice Cream - The Gig - Inhaltsangabe:

After getting their first gig at Incestuous, Pablo and Ramón buy musical instruments. Ceci calls them “The Feeble-Minded”. Pablo and Ramón can't play a single note, so Ceci suggests they watch tutorials. Ceci gets an ultimatum: she must pay the rent by Friday or she'll be evicted from her room. She decides to get back her old job at a clothing store. When Leticia, her former boss, attempts to undermine her, Ceci pretends she intended to buy a jacket, but her credit card gets declined. After spending the night watching tutorials, Ramón calls Home Warehouse and says he has chickenpox, so he can stay home and write music. Pablo and Ramón spend the whole week watching documentaries, decorating, choosing outfits for the gig, and experimenting with drugs. On the other hand, Ceci drives an Uber day and night to save up for the rent. On Friday, Pablo and Ramón decide to cancel the gig. Ceci picks up a customer outside the clothing store, and Leticia finds out she drives an Uber. Embarrassed, Ceci spends on the jacket all the money she'd made. At Incestuous, Pablo and Ramón see Nacho kissing some girls, so they try to emulate him but fail. When they bump into Nacho, Pablo lies and says he has made out with seven girls. A guy listens to the conversation and accuses Pablo of objectifying women. Ramón approaches Sandro to cancel the gig, but Ceci interrupts him, asking for an advance of their pay. Some girls hear Pablo say he feels like a loser, and they feel for him, but the guy from earlier warns them that Pablo is a chauvinist. The girls make it clear that they would never consider dating Pablo, so Ceci kisses him to spare him the humiliation. It's Saturday, the day of the gig. Pablo is having dinner with his family, and they are so proud that they end up making him nervous. At Incestuous, just before they go on stage, Ceci thinks she has spotted the taxi drivers among the crowd. Pablo has a panic attack, and he runs away through the backdoor. Ceci and Ramón run after him.
Episode 3
The Academy
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Porn and Ice Cream - The Academy - Inhaltsangabe:

After the gig fiasco, Pablo, Ramón and Ceci meet at the bar. Ceci is upset because she needed the money and got evicted, so she says she'll quit the project. Pablo and Ramón try to enroll in an exclusive music academy, but it's too expensive. Ramón falls in love with Elsa, a secretary in her seventies. That night, they discover that Ceci is living at the bar. Ramón asks her to stay at his place, but she refuses. Pablo gets a night job at the bar to save up for his tuition. Elsa visits Ramón at Home Warehouse, and they make out. On his first night at the job, Pablo sees Nacho arriving at the bar with his friends. Trying to hide the fact that he works there, he treats them to beers all night. Ceci discovers that an old refrigerator is a portal to a secret chamber where the taxi drivers meet up to devise political strategies. They intend to “eliminate” Stegman, a presidential candidate, in favor of his rival, Sergio Vieira. Pablo and Ramón return to the academy to ask for a scholarship. They have an audition with Ismael, the principal, and find out that Ramón has absolute pitch. Ramón realizes that Ismael is Elsa's husband. The bar is full of people wanting free drinks. At the secret meeting of taxi drivers, Ceci becomes alarmed: she thinks they'll kill Stegman. Ramón and Elsa make out as Ismael watches them from his car. Ceci desperately cries out about the imminent assassination while Pablo tries to kick out people from the bar, and Ismael has a heart attack. Pablo, Ramón, and Ceci flee the chaos in Harry's taxi. The plan of the taxi drivers is revealed: they're tuning into the radio station that will broadcast Vieira's catchy campaign jingle. Ceci asks Ramón to put her up for a few days. Pablo and Ramón eat ice cream and watch porn. Ramón improvises a song about it. Harry joins him on the keyboard. Pablo tries to join in with his guitar, but he can't play. Disappointed, he goes to the landing, and Joaquín teaches him three chords. Pablo then returns and joins them.
Episode 4
The Party
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Porn and Ice Cream - The Party - Inhaltsangabe:

Pablo listens non-stop to the demo of “Porn and Ice Cream'' during breakfast, and his parents suggest that perhaps it's time he moves out. Pablo asks Ramón to put him up. Ceci, who also lives there, decides to return the jacket to pay her debts and return to her place. That night, they go to Incestuous. In the restroom, Ramón pisses next to Picky Valeroso, a local rock legend, but he does not recognize him. Everyone, except Ramón, is praising Picky for every single thing he says. Picky likes that and invites Ramón to a party at his place. Pablo, Ceci and Ramón arrive at the party. Pablo is desperate to make Picky listen to the “Porn and Ice Cream” demo. A strange fella called Bermúdez offers Ceci cocaine. Picky invites Ramón to his studio because he wants honest feedback on his songs. In the restroom, Ceci and Bermúdez have cocaine with Segundo, a young guy who joins them. When Bermúdez gets distracted, Ceci steals his drugs. On the dancefloor, Ceci wants to talk up a guy. Segundo warns her that he is canceled. Ceci approaches him anyway and offers him cocaine. At the studio, Picky plays his songs, and Ramón says that they're all bad. Picky thanks him for his honesty at first, but ends up insulting him. Ramón leaves, feeling hurt. Ceci and Franco have cocaine. She tries to kiss him, but he rejects her. Humiliated, Ceci rubs in the fact that he is canceled. Pablo connects his phone to a speaker and plays “Porn and Ice Cream”. People at the party are stoked, and Pablo is happy. He receives a voice message from his dad, and he plays it, without realizing that he is still connected to the speaker. Embarrassed, Pablo tries to stop the message, but he drops his phone. Pablo, Ramón, and Ceci leave the party feeling defeated. Segundo offers them a ride, and Pablo plays “Porn and Ice cream” in the car. Segundo invites them to play at the birthday party of the daughter of his boss, Senator Vieira. Ceci spends the entire night awake, and the next day she returns the jacket.
Episode 5
Two Bands
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Porn and Ice Cream - Two Bands - Inhaltsangabe:

Ceci, Ramón, and Pablo meet up with Segundo to discuss the birthday party of Vieira's daughter. Segundo asks them to record a professional demo with a bass player and a drummer. Harry drives them in his taxi to the bass player red zone. They pull over to listen to some of them until they find the ideal match. Harry then recommends they look for a drummer on Internet forums. Three drummers show up to the audition. The first one is a neo-Nazi. The second one is Silvina, who plays amazingly. The third one is Shirley, who is very cute but cannot play. Pablo votes for Shirley, the rest choose Silvina. Pablo tells Shirley that she was chosen for another band he has started with two hardcore musicians. After the first rehearsal with Silvina and the bass player, Ramón invites Pablo to his place, but Pablo says he can't go because his little brother was diagnosed with celiac disease. Disappointed, Ramón invites the rest of the band. Pablo runs off to rehearse with the hardcore band. At Ramón's place, everyone eats ice cream and watches porn. Ceci, Silvina, and the bass player start getting horny and exchange complicit glances. The following day, Pablo misses the rehearsal with The Feeble-Minded to rehearse with his hardcore band. Afterward, they go for a drink at the bar. The Feeble-Minded are also there. Pablo goes back and forth between both bands, trying to keep them from finding out about it all. Ramón sees an online video of Santi eating gluten and has an epiphany: Pablo has another band. He tells Ceci, and they concoct a plan to get their own back. At the hardcore rehearsal, Pablo's voice is hoarse, and the band asks him to leave. When he gets to Ramón's house, The Feeble-Minded are rehearsing with Harry. They tell him that Harry will replace him in the recording. Next day, Pablo finds Harry totally blitzed, sleeping when he should be recording. He puts him in the taxi and takes him to the studio. As Harry is intoxicated, Pablo replaces him and is forgiven.
Episode 6
The Vieiras
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Porn and Ice Cream - The Vieiras - Inhaltsangabe:

Pablo, Ramón and Ceci meet the Vieiras. Roxana, the Senator's wife, is addicted to Home Warehouse and has been banned from the stores, so she instantly becomes interested in Ramón. Ceci is paying particular attention to Spider, Vieiras' eldest son. After the meeting, they're all stressed because they must write twelve new songs for the gig. Pablo and Ramón argue, and Pablo invites himself to live at Ceci's. Roxana asks Ramón to let her into Home Warehouse, but Ramón refuses, so they agree to meet at a hotel. Ceci analyzes Spider's movements and interests. Then she pretends to visit Roxana to spend time with him. Pablo gets on well with Ceci's roommates by speaking ill of her. Ramón meets Roxana at a hotel. She has him lay down and puts Home Warehouse items all over his body. He gets scared and runs away. At the lobby of the hotel, he thinks he spotted Pablo's Dad in drag. Ceci hears her roommates say that they'd rather live with Pablo, so she asks Pablo to leave that very night. Pablo goes back to his parents' house, and to his old bedroom, which has been converted into a storage room. Inside a box, he finds his father's rhymed intimate diary. Late at night, Pablo catches his father dressed in drag, so Claudio tells him he is a crossdresser. Pablo and Ramón write “Crossdresser” based on Claudio's diary. They spend the entire night writing songs. In the morning, Ceci gives them the bad news: Roxana canceled the gig. Ramón understands what he must do. That night, after his shift, Ramón lets Roxana into the store through the backdoor. They dance a sensual tango while Roxana rubs against Home Warehouse items. The birthday gig is a success. Ceci makes out with Spider, Roxana gives Ramón lecherous looks, and the Senator dances to “Crossdresser”.
Episode 7
The Video
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Porn and Ice Cream - The Video - Inhaltsangabe:

A video of Senator Vieira dancing to “Crossdresser” goes viral, and he is dubbed “The Crossdressing Senator” by the media. Segundo proposes to shoot an advertising spot that portrays him as “the president of diversity.” Ceci dates Spider and lives in his house. She wants to shoot a video of “Crossdresser” directed by Spider, and borrow the spot's filming equipment at night. Pablo demands to cast Carla, the actress from one of Nacho's videos. Ramón tries to get time off at Home Warehouse so that he can film but Horacio denies his request. At the shooting of the spot, Pablo notices that Vieira is very nice and women are smitten with him. Pablo tries to emulate him by being nice to Carla to win her over. Roxana harasses Ramón. She wants to return to Home Warehouse. Enriqueta, Olivia's mysterious friend, calls Ceci by her real name, “Martina Cuartirolo” and threatens to reveal that her name is not “Cecilia von Trapp”. After filming all night, Ramón goes straight back to work. Being sleep-deprived makes him brutally honest. The following night, at the shooting, Ramón is still sleep-deprived, which enhances his acting skills. In the morning, Ramón falls asleep in a Home Warehouse bed. An inspector wakes him up, and Ramón tells him exactly what he thinks about the store's shortcomings. The inspector is very impressed. That night, Pablo and Spider are getting on well. Enriqueta reveals that Ceci is the daughter of a famous con artist wanted by Interpol. Ceci says her father is dead. Enriqueta turns out not to be a teenager but Olivia and Spider's bodyguard. When Nacho enters the set, Pablo finds out that Carla is his girlfriend, so he quits his “Be Kind” strategy. Spider and Pablo argue. Spider's parents turn up, asking what is going on. Ramón, in his sincerity trip, tells it all: Ceci is dating Spider for his money, Pablo pretends to be nice, and Roxana won't stop harassing him. Ceci is leaving the Vieiras' home when her father appears: Omar Cuartirolo.
Episode 8
The Contract
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Porn and Ice Cream - The Contract - Inhaltsangabe:

Ceci and her dad, Omar, have a drink at the bar. He explains that he faked his own death because Interpol was after him. She breaks down and says she doesn't have a place to stay. Reunited at home, the roommates reluctantly listen to Omar, but he persuades them to take Ceci back. Ceci arranges for Ramón and Pablo to meet at the bar because she received a proposal from Mano Music for a contract and a gig at Incestuous. Ramón refuses to return to the band unless Pablo apologizes. But Pablo won't. That night, Ramón goes to the bar on his own. Nacho asks him to join him at his table, and they hang out the entire night. Sad and lonely, Pablo wakes up Santi for a game on PlayStation. Santi suggests he apologizes to Ramón, but when Pablo tries to, he finds Ramón having fun with Nacho. Pablo makes a jealousy scene and flounces away. Pablo, Ceci and Omar meet up with Bermúdez. Pablo announces he is a solo artist, and Bermúdez offers to make up a band for him so that he can be a supporting act for Picky Valeroso. Omar pretends to be the band's lawyer. Ramón and Nacho watch porn and eat ice cream, but Nacho starts masturbating and makes Ramón uncomfortable. Omar shows Ceci the contract he devised, which is a scam for Pablo and Ramón. Ceci hesitates, feels guilty. Pablo rehearses with Mano Music's musicians. They're older and want to make jazz arrangements for his songs. Pablo tells them they don't sound like Ramón and runs away, full of anxiety. He arrives at Home Warehouse, apologizes to Ramón, they make up and rush off to sign the contract. They have no problem signing, but when her turn comes, Ceci feels regretful and breaks the contract. They immediately head off towards Incestuous. The band goes on stage, but when Pablo plays the first chord, there is no sound. From the darkness, Segundo emerges as a villain. “Crossdresser” ruined Vieira's campaign and with it, Segundo's career. He vows to stop The Feeble-Minded from ever playing again.

Porn and Ice Cream - stream

serie, Laufzeit: 0 Min, Genre: Keine Angabe
Original Titel Porn and Ice Cream
Genre Keine Angabe
Altersfreigabe Keine Angabe
Veröffentlicht Keine Angabe
Hauptdarsteller Keine Angabe
Regisseur Keine Angabe
Drehbuch Keine Angabe
Produziert von Keine Angabe
Sprache Deutsch
Stichworte Keine Angabe
Angelegt 2022-03-05