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World's Greatest Hoaxes: Secrets Finally Revealed - stream

film, Laufzeit: 42 Min, Genre: Keine Angabe
Bigfoot videos, Alien Autospy videos, Loch Ness videos, and Billy Myers’ UFO films, is this footage really real? This documentary exposes the world’s greatest myths. Lance Henriksen takes an in-depth look at Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster and UFO sightings. Lance Henriksen Narrates An In-Depth Look At Bigfoot,The Loch Ness Monster, The Alien Autopsy And UFO Sightings Never-before-seen footage and new technological evidence will expose the truths behind the most sensational of legends – Bigfoot,the Loch Ness Monster, the Alien Autopsy and Flying Saucers – in the original special. For many years, believers and sceptics have debated the fact or fiction behind films and videos supposedly showing legendary beings and unexplained phenomena – on earth and in space. This special details the who, why and how of the most sensational material ever caught on tape. In each case, informants, experts and modern technology expose the truths behind these myths.
Original Titel World's Greatest Hoaxes: Secrets Finally Revealed
Genre Keine Angabe
Altersfreigabe ab 12
Veröffentlicht 1999
Hauptdarsteller Lance Henriksen , Russell Angrisani
Regisseur Brian Aabech
Drehbuch Keine Angabe
Produziert von Keine Angabe
Sprache Deutsch
Stichworte Keine Angabe
Angelegt 2020-06-10