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Think Thank Presents: Methods of Prediction - stream

film, Laufzeit: 45 Min, Genre: Thriller
Think Thank Snowboarding Almanac presents “Methods of Prediction." Scattered across the wind worn plains a group of free spirited snowboard life enthusiasts search for magical moments and the future of fun. Armed with snowboards, shovels, 2 white vans, various propulsion devices, cones, cans and combat like bond of friendship the Think Thank crew scours the globe leaving no park un-jibbed, no rope un-towed, no booter un-flipped and no pow un-slashed. Through extensive field research this crack team of snowboard bosses gets down to the grass roots of what makes snowboarding tick. So flip the Tarot cards, steep the tea, consult the star charts and chart the star’s homes because the end is only the beginning when the Think Thank Snowboarding Almanac uses it's "Methods of Prediction!"
Original Titel Think Thank Presents: Methods of Prediction
Genre Thriller
Altersfreigabe Keine Angabe
Veröffentlicht 2015
Hauptdarsteller Max Warbington , Sammy Spiteri
Regisseur Sean Lucey
Drehbuch Keine Angabe
Produziert von Keine Angabe
Sprache Deutsch
Stichworte Keine Angabe
Angelegt 2016-02-19