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OJ Simpson: Skin Deep - stream

film, Laufzeit: 41 Min, Genre: Drama
On the 3rd of March, 1991, after a high-speed police chase, Rodney Glen King was savagely beaten in the streets of Los Angeles by four policemen, three of which were white. His savage beating led to the LA riots, which resulted in over 50 deaths, 2,300 reported injuries and over 1 billion dollars worth of property damages. This only added to the growing frustration which had been mounting in the neighbourhood for several reasons; the unemployment rate was up to about 50 per cent, a drug epidemic was ravaging the area, and gang activity and violent crime were at an all-time high. Despite the racial tension at the time, O.J Simpson managed to rise from a project in San Fransisco to the top of the sporting and acting world with the support of all races. That was until he was suspected of murdering his ex-wife Nicole Simpson, and he was abruptly reminded that he was a black man in America. The trial of OJ Simpson became headline news and divided the nation and the world.
Original Titel OJ Simpson: Skin Deep
Genre Drama
Altersfreigabe ab 16
Veröffentlicht 2022
Hauptdarsteller Colin Powell , Michelle Roberts
Regisseur Remone Jones
Drehbuch Keine Angabe
Produziert von Keine Angabe
Sprache Deutsch
Stichworte Keine Angabe
Angelegt 2022-10-19