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Ed Sheeran: Man + Guitar - stream

film, Laufzeit: 45 Min, Genre: Keine Angabe
Ed Sheeran went from homeless, to being in the homes of millions - from busking on the streets of London to being the most streamed artists of the last decade. Ed has found success from being, just simply, a man + his guitar. Since the very start of his career Ed Sheeran has been something different - during a time when manufactured pop artists were dominating the charts, Ed offered his listeners something new as a self-made musician. Sheeran worked his way up in the industry, making connections with the likes of Jamie Foxx and Elton John. Once signed, Ed wrote from the heart connecting with a fan base that has been ever growing since. Sheeran has never slowed down, working tirelessly and touring non-stop he has garnered music royalty status. Although short, Ed Sheeran has had one of the most impressive careers in the music industry. Winning numerous awards, headlining festivals and breaking his own music records, there is no stopping Ed.
Original Titel Ed Sheeran: Man + Guitar
Genre Keine Angabe
Altersfreigabe ab 12
Veröffentlicht 2020
Hauptdarsteller Nola Ojomu , Andrew Bullock
Regisseur Finlay Bald
Drehbuch Keine Angabe
Produziert von Keine Angabe
Sprache Deutsch
Stichworte Keine Angabe
Angelegt 2020-04-22